Sapraicone Endorsed By Nassau GOP Chairman Cairo and Suffolk GOP Chairman Garcia

Dear Republican Leader,

I am reaching out to you because I believe it is nothing less than urgent that we confront and defeat New York’s junior U.S. Senator, Kirsten Gillibrand, who has proven contemptuous of our state’s needs while consistently supporting the failed policies of the Biden Administration. 

That is why I am compelled to run for the U.S. Senate.

With the New York Republican State Committee scheduled to formally nominate its candidate on Thursday, February 22 in Binghamton, I respectfully ask for your support and your permission to present my credentials.

Gillibrand is the staunch ally of a president who has failed to secure our borders, combat the crime epidemic that threatens families in communities across our state and solve the chronic inflation that is stretching our household budgets to their breaking point.

To get America back on track, we must defeat Biden, recapture control of the Senate and strengthen the House Republican Majority. As New York’s voice in the Senate, I pledge to partner with President Trump so that we can end the migrant crisis and roll back the actions taken by Biden and the Democrats that have ruined the historic economic growth we achieved during the Trump Administration.

Equally important, I will be both a candidate and a Senator who upholds the highest standards of honor and integrity and conducts himself in a manner that well represents our party and our shared values. In addition, I am a proven team player who will partner with our Republican candidates up and down the ballot and party leaders, like yourself, to ensure our success.

By way of background, I was raised in Richmond Hill, Queens and served as a Police Officer and Detective in the New York Police Department—arresting violent felons and investigating some of New York’s most high-profile cases. I then built a global security company headquartered in New York City and on Long Island. Employing more than 600 active and retired law enforcement officers, my business provided security services to several of the world’s largest companies.

Throughout my time in the NYPD and in the years since, I have been blessed to have the opportunity to serve my community. I established scholarships for high-achieving students and those in financial need at Holy Cross High School in Queens and I served as both a member and Chairman of the Board of Trustees and continue to support the school. I spent two terms as president of the Seaford Board of Education and I am on the boards of Tomorrow’s Hope Foundation, Mount Sinai South Nassau Hospital, Catholic Youth Organization, the Columbus Citizens Foundation, for which I Co-Chair New York City’s annual Columbus Day Parade, and the Museum of American Armor, a WWII museum based in Old Bethpage, NY.

As someone who has proudly served and protected my fellow New Yorkers for two decades, I have utilized the media as a platform to discuss and offer solutions for law and order, security threats, the Biden Border Crisis, and other important issues on outlets like Fox News, Newsmax, CNN, The Today Show, New York Post, New York Times, Fox 5 New York, and WABC Radio — discussing the sad truth that our communities, state, and nation are under assault.

I have lived in Nassau County for more than three decades, where my wife is a New York State Supreme Court Judge. I am the proud father of five children and five grandchildren and, like you, I am deeply concerned about the direction of our country. That is why I have announced my candidacy for the U.S. Senate.

As a Detective, one of the most important skills I learned was how to listen to people. I am proud to have assembled an experienced campaign team, in its opening hours have already generated over $750,000 for my campaign and earned the support of Republican and Conservative party chairs throughout the Empire State. That said, I will need your help and guidance to build the campaign that must win in November. To achieve that objective, I look forward to having the opportunity to speak with you.

It is important to note that I have already earned the support of the Republican leader of my home County of Nassau, as well as the backing of Suffolk County’s GOP Chairman.  Indeed, I am proud of the fact that Nassau County Republican Committee Chairman Joseph G. Cairo, Jr. and Suffolk County Republican Committee Chairman Jesse Garcia have pledged their support for my candidacy for the United States Senate.

I hope that I can count on your support at the Republican State Committee’s nominating meeting to be our party’s candidate for U.S. Senate, as well as your continued assistance in our effort to defeat a Senator from New York in name only. Together we will bring back New York!

Please do not hesitate to contact me directly.
