Since announcing his campaign to oust embattled Rep. George Santos toward the end of July, Congressional candidate Michael Sapraicone announced he has raised $596,000, including around $546,000 in cash. He hopes to further build upon this momentum in the month of October, with plans to hold fundraisers.

“I am extremely grateful for the overwhelming support being given to my campaign,” Sapraicone said. “I am being offered the type of encouragement that redoubles my commitment to serve the residents of New York’s 3rd Congressional district who want a Republican on Capitol Hill to represent them, to secure the seat with integrity and keep the majority in Congress.”

The funding was raised despite the fact that Sapraicone didn’t announce his candidacy until nearly a month into the third quarter, on July 25. He credits a very strong September for this much money getting raised.

“In September, we put together our team a little more structured,” Sapraicone said. “We started to work the phones and meet with people. I think we were very successful over a short period of time from Labor Day on. We’re very pleased and we’re getting our name out there. We’re starting to see that people are willing to contribute to what they think is a winning cause and a winning person.”

Sapraicone credits his campaign’s strong September to being able to get his messages out to more people during that time. His campaign is prioritizing getting his name out there, along with his agenda on what can be done to help constituents.

“I get to understand my constituents a little bit more and they get to understand me a little bit more,” Sapraicone said.

Sapraicone and his campaign intend to keep their feet on the gas throughout October. With the holidays coming up in November and December, he anticipates there to be a lull during then.

“It’s been interesting meeting new people and listening to their ideas and what their needs are, rather than me just telling them all about myself,” Sapraicone said. “I think that’s what we need to govern better. To learn more about what the people need and what their concerns are. I’m trying to see how we can work together as a community to make this a better community, state and country for all of us.”

Sapraicone is running for the Republican nomination for New York’s third congressional seat against the scandal-scarred Santos.

Sapraicone spent 20 years serving on the NYPD, eventually being promoted to the highest detective rank, first grade detective. In addition to his detective work, Sapraicone founded a global security firm, Squad Security.

“I have had the opportunity to speak with hundreds of my neighbors in the district, from life-long Republicans to those who have voted across the aisle in the past,” Sapraicone said. “My message on issues like public safety, border security and fiscal responsibility resonate with New Yorkers, as thousands signed up for my email newsletter and hundreds of individuals have generously supported my campaign.”

As seen in QNS.