Sapraicone receives near unanimous vote

At the 2024 New York State Conservative Party Convention, Mike Sapraicone was endorsed by a nearly unanimous vote to run for the United States Senate against New York’s junior Senator Kirsten Gillibrand.

Mike Sapraicone has travelled the state to speak with New Yorkers, listen to the issues, and provide solutions that align with Conservative Party values. To get America back on track, Biden must be defeated and we must recapture control of the Senate and strengthen the House Majority. As New York’s voice in the Senate, Mike pledges to work to get President Trump re-elected and carry his agenda to end the migrant crisis and roll back the actions taken by Biden, Gillibrand, and the Democrats, who have ruined the historic economic growth we achieved prior to their failed policies.

“I am truly honored to be endorsed by the New York State Conservative Party,” said Mike Sapraicone. “I look forward to working with the party across New York — and thank them for putting their faith in me. With the hundreds-of-thousands of Conservative Party voters behind me, we will be united in defeating Gillibrand, and getting our state and nation back on track.”

“There is an urgency like never before that we confront and defeat New York’s U.S. Senator, Kirsten Gillibrand, who has proven she is out of touch with what New Yorkers want and need, as she consistently supports the failed policies of the Biden Administration,” Sapraicone continued. “We have experienced failed policy after failed policy as Biden destroys the success of the Trump Administration. There is a lot on the ballot this November — socialism or freedom are the choices. I believe that the American people will choose to vote Republican, and bring back New York.”

The New York State Conservative Party Chairman Jerry Kassar said: “The men and women of the Conservative Party did well in nominating Mike Sapraicone for United States Senate. Mike brings a world of experience to the race. A father of five who volunteered countless hours to education and youth sports, he walked a beat as a NYC Police Officer before founding, owning, and operating one of the nation’s largest private security logistics companies with hundreds of employees. As a parent and businessman with a law enforcement background, Mike knows that the White House and U.S. Senate have failed our state. Biden’s policies unequivocally supported by Senator Kirsten Gillibrand have resulted in chaos at the border and at home. Our foreign policy endorsed by Senator Gillibrand is punctuated with missteps that have cost lives and questioned the United States’ ability to be a world leader.”

“New Yorkers continue to flee the state in record numbers with Gillibrand acting as a rubber stamp for Biden, Schumer, Hochul, and Adams. Gillibrand, after more then two terms in office, is largely unknown to downstate residents and regarded as out of step with the views of many upstate citizens. New Yorkers need a Senator who will engage them on the issues that drive the quality of their lives and the lives of their families. Mike Sapraicone will be standing watch for all New Yorkers,” Kassar concluded.

About Mike Sapraicone:

Mike Sapraicone is a retired New York Police Department Detective, community volunteer, small business founder, and nationally-recognized security expert.

Mike began his law enforcement career in 1980 and served in the New York Police Department for 20 years, beginning as a transit officer protecting millions of subway riders. His dedication to service was recognized with the promotion to first-grade detective — a rank in which he worked to bring high-profile criminals to justice.

Being at the foundation of New York City’s turnaround, Mike saw first-hand the impact of crime on the New York’s economy and the need for businesses to have a private security option. It was with this in mind that he started Squad Security to provide security services to New York-based companies, including the American Stock Exchange. Since retiring from the NYPD in 2000, Mike grew this small business into a global security firm headquartered in New York State, and employed over 600 active and retired members of law enforcement.

Mike was raised in Richmond Hill, Queens, where he attended Holy Cross High School in Flushing. He has continued to be involved at Holy Cross High School as the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, and he established scholarships for high-achieving students and those in financial need.

Mike has served as president of the Seaford Union Free School District Board of Education and is a senior trustee of the Museum of American Armor. Mike is also on the boards of Tomorrow’s Hope Foundation, Mount Sinai South Nassau Hospital, Catholic Youth Organization and the Columbus Citizens Foundation, for which he Co-Chaired New York City’s Columbus Day Parade.

Mike has been a member of the National Association of Chiefs of Police, Associated Licensed Detectives of New York State and the American Academy for Professional Law Enforcement.

Mike has frequently appeared on NBC’s Today Show, WINS Radio, NBC-TV, Fox News, Court TV, MSNBC and CNN. Mike has also served as an expert on public safety and security issues in leading newspapers like the New York Times, New York Post, New York Daily News and Long Island Business News.  He also hosted “Mike Sapraicone’s Street Smart” on Long Island News Radio.

Mike has lived on Long Island for 32 years and currently resides in the Town of Oyster Bay with his wife Eileen. Mike is the father of five children and has five grandchildren.
