New York — U.S. Senate candidate Mike Sapraicone is urging every New Yorker to stand in support of the state’s law enforcement by signing the petition to stop cop-killers from being released on parole. Sapraicone also put his full support behind the Sgt. Steve Owen Defending Our Defenders Act, which would make the murder of a local law enforcement officer a federal crime. In the Senate, Sapraicone would co-sponsor the bill and make it a top priority. Since Democrats took control over the New York State Legislature and the Governor’s office, they have thought nothing of releasing cop-killers into communities across the state. Most urgently, the NYS Parole Board is considering the imminent release of Eddie Matos, who murdered NYPD Officer Anthony Dwyer in October 1989, and Mitchell Martin, who shot NYPD Officer James Whittington to death in 1982. The loving families of every hero officer who made the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty are viciously made to relive the day when their loved ones were stolen from them each time parole is granted to these killers.

Since 2017, the NYS Parole Board has released 41 cop-killers across the state under Democrat proposals such as the “Elder Parole” and the “Fair and Timely Parole Act.”

“I can remember each and every police funeral I attended as an NYPD Detective — the tears from the families and fellow cops. The appointed parole board members who release cop-killers and the elected officials, from the Governor to the U.S. Senate, who condone this issue should be ashamed of themselves,” said U.S. Senate candidate Mike Sapraicone.

The release of 41 of these cowardly murderers is a disgusting dereliction of their responsibility to New Yorkers, the police, and the families of our fallen heroes. In the U.S. Senate, I will work tirelessly to make murdering a police officer a federal crime — ensuring the NYS Parole Board can never again release a cop-killer. The families of these heroes and the men and women in blue who protect us every day deserve nothing less,” continued Sapraicone.

“Our police officers put their lives on the line every day on behalf of those they serve,” said line-of-duty widow, Linda Sledge. “Anyone who murders a hero in blue should be behind bars for life. My husband, NYPD Police Officer Cecil Frank Sledge, made the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty, and I commend Mike Sapraicone for trying to ensure these heartless killers never see the light of day — and we never have to worry about the parole board releasing cop-killers.”

Link to sign petition:

